Peter Sipla is a Chicago-based Voiceover, Stage, and Film Actor.  His posts are geared towards those interested in getting into Voiceover work, as a career, or as a path to financing their other artistic pursuits.

My Truth.

I love to create.

I love to meet and connect with people.

I love to learn. I love to read. I love finding the simple truths in ornate and complex stories.

I love to riff. I like crafting jokes on the context of the current conversation. I like flexing wit. I like my interest being peaked. I like variety. I like being tickled by someone else’s wit. I love the spontaneity in that. The uniqueness of their words and wisdom. The surprise of it.

I like being an active listener. I like people knowing I’m listening, and processing, and responding. I like learning their individual perspectives and discovering why they do what they do, and feel what they feel.

I love wisdom that lasts.

I like being insightful, because I’m making connections between other insights I’ve heard from other people.

I like knowing the power of suggestion and self-suggestion. How flatly, and clearly, stating your intentions can often lead to those exact results.

I love invigorating conversations. Digging into new territory together, while making new internal discoveries.

I love how a fresh perspective can be truly paradigm shifting.

I love challenges.

I like being a craftsman, being a perfectionist at times, and wanting to locate the exact and most accurate way of presenting my thoughts or my creations, in that moment. By feel.

I like not shying away from new and varied opportunities to have to change and flex and improvise and grow. I like overcoming discomfort.

I love finding new ways to simplify every aspect of my life.

I love discovering my truth through taking things away, like uncovering a purer self through relief.

I love tackling bigger obstacles.

I love leaving no one behind.

I love my deep well of empathy.

I like the realization that I can quickly switch from empathy to sympathy to help problem solve, or, sometimes, to preserve sanity and sense of self.

I love that going deeper always reveals another layer beneath. Another chance. Another opportunity. A deeper truth. A deeper meaning. A purer form. An expanding of possibilities. An expanse of abundance.

An abundance of truths.

A connection with wisdom.

A wisdom of ~ connections, abundance, expanses, possibilities, truth, meanings, depth, chances, layers, preservation, solutions, realizations, sympathy, empathy, obstacles, relief, discoveries, simplicity, growth, change, feeling, wanting, crafting, challenging, shifting, digging, conversations, intentions, suggestions, power, insights, perspectives, listening, spontaneity, wit, variety, interests, context, jokes, complexities, reading, learning, connecting, meeting, creating, loving ~

A knowing, now.

A knowing of My Truth.

The "Time Rich" Actor, Part II: Non-Negotiables and Kaizen